On Tuesday and Wednesday I got the 'opportunity' to get lost in New Jersey and in New York just trying to find a simple Honda Dealership in Jersey City. Seriously, how hard can it be. Well, obviously, in New Jersey they like to make things complicated and confuse the daylights out of newcomers with the way their road system works. I had directions from map quest and told myself as I started out on Tuesday that I could do this, that it was only like 30 miles away. I was told that during the trip I wouldn't be going through any toll booths, so when I came to a toll booth, I started to freak out just a little! (Luckily I had cash on me, which is a rare thing). I went through the toll booth and then called Shelly to help me out. (Also, luckily I had just bought a bluetooth headset to use in the car because in New Jersey it is illegal to talk on the phone without a hand free device. That thing saved my butt). Then things just got worse. I kept finding my way to all these different toll booths. At one point I was in a part of Jersey city that had a lot of industrial stuff and was right by the water. All of a sudden I look out to my right and the statue of liberty is right there in the water across from me. That was a pretty cool surprise. Finally in Jersey city, Shelly was able to talk me through to how to get to the dealership. On my way back, it was a piece of cake!!! But the adventure doesn't stop there. Oh no! On Wednesday, I had to go back into Jersey City to the dealership to get more stuff taken care of. Shelly explained to me better on how to get there. I told myself this time I would do it. So off I was and I realized the mistake I made the day before that got me lost. So I was feeling pretty good and thinking I was actually gonna make it. Well I spoke to soon. Before I knew it, I was going on the Holland Tunnel to New York and passing by Jersey City. I call Shelly and say 'ummm I think I'm lost and am now in New York'. I ended up having to stop at a gas station to get directions. Once I got on the correct road, again Shelly had to walk me through the directions. I did eventually get there, though I arrived a lot more exhausted and frustrated than when I had left haha! All I know is that the third time is the charm. So next time I go to Jersey City I will get it down!!!!