Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Glimpse into Parenthood

It started with something as simple as going to dinner at Stewart's for a quick bite to eat. I had the two boys, Sammy and Joey. Everything seemed to be fine as we ordered our food and ate it. It was when we were done eating and waiting to order ice-cream and get our check that the problems all began. Joey kept talking about the balloon man and about wanting a silly hat. I could not figure out what he was talking about. I soon realized that there was a man in the restaurant that was making balloon animals and shapes, etc. He was going around the place making balloons for all the kids. Joey started getting irritated with the waiting. I told him he had to wait until the balloon man came around to our table and that he needed to eat his ice-cream first. While this was going on, Sammy was making a mess with his cotton candy ice-cream. Everything was blue and sticky! Then right before the balloon man got to our table, Joey started to whine and freak out because he had spilled ice-cream down his shirt and he was getting ready to rip off his shirt and run out the door while having a tantrum. Luckily, the balloon man choose that moment to arrive and he got Joey distracted with making a balloon. He made Joey and Sammy silly hat balloons, but as soon as he did that Joey started freakin' out again about something. He kept trying to take Sam's balloon away from him. I hurried them outside and the whole time Joey was fighting Sam for his balloon. Once we got to the car, I was trying to get out wipes to wipe off the boy's hands because they were really sticky. Sammy then started to grab the balloons and destroy them, while Joey was freakin out about it and screaming. Then Joey started whining that he left his 'Dora' book inside the restaurant. I tried getting the kids in the car but they kept running in different directions Once they were in the car, I ran back inside to get Joey's book. By the time I was back outside I heard someone screaming like they were dying. I ran to the car and Joey was screaming and bawling his head off. Sammy had taken Joey's balloons and destroyed them again. It took a minute to calm him down but we got there. This must be what it is like to be a parent all the time. I think after this year is over I will be more than ready to be able to deal with kids of my own one day. And I hope to never see another balloon again lol!!!


Nicole Leavitt said...

Welcom to my life! Haha! :)

Nicole Leavitt said...

oops welcome*

jen said...

At least most of us get to start off slowly. You just got thrown into caring for two 8 year old autistic boys! You are a trooper. No doubt this will prepare you for the craziness that is parenthood. Hang in there!